Potestivo & Associates, P.C Attorney Attends ALFN WillPower Advocacy Day

Washington, D.C. – Kimberly J. Goodell, Supervising Attorney, attended the American Legal & Financial Network’s (ALFN) WillPower Summit & Advocacy Day in the Nation’s Capital earlier this week. The WILL (Women in Legal Leadership) organization was formed to promote leadership in the default industry. The Summit focused on empowering women to take chances, steps to move forward in their careers, and discussions about getting more females into leadership positions within firms and servicing shops. There was also a large emphasis on creating mentoring programs within the firms and within the industry as a whole. Kim was also given the chance to attend a closed door session hosted by Representative Dave Trott on Advocacy Day, specifically put on for ALFN Donors. Mr. Trott discussed House Bill 1849, which he introduced in the House of Representatives the day before. The bill called for a revision to the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act) to exempt law firms and attorneys from being liable for prosecution under the FDCPA as it relates to ongoing litigation. After meeting with the Congressman, the group attended scheduled meetings on the Hill with staffers from local senators and congressmen - including representatives for Congressman Mike Bishop, Senator Stabenow, and Senator Peters. They were given a chance to lobby for the earlier discussed House Bill 1849, as well as explain the affects it has on their firms and the consumers with the current restrictions that are in place.