A Detroit Business Renaissance?

It’s not just the Pistons returning to Detroit this year. According to several news reports, business investment is also returning to Detroit, in spades. In addition to the high profile announcements made by both Ford[1] and Fiat-Chrysler[2], the Michigan Economic Development Corporation[3] and the Minority Business Development Agency Business Center[4] in Detroit have recently announced large investment grants to be doled out in various ways to businesses and start-ups in the City of Detroit. Understandably, these announcements have rekindled the innate desire of many southeast Michiganders’ to “be their own boss.”
But before you rush out there and open Detroit’s next hit business, remember to protect yourself and your personal assets through proper business planning. The Business Formation attorneys at Potestivo & Associates, P.C. stand at the ready to assist you in your quest for self-employment. From your choice of corporate form to the drafting of your businesses foundational documents, Potestivo & Associates, P.C. can assist you in the legal aspects of opening your business and protecting your personal assets from its creditors.
If you have any questions regarding Business Formation services, please contact Associate Attorney, Nicholas J. Tatro at ntatro@potestivolaw.com or (248) 853-4400, ext. 1170.
[1] http://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/autos/ford/2017/01/03/ford-fields/96102986/
[2] http://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/2017/01/08/fca-investing-1b-warren-toledo-plants/96320064/
[3] http://www.crainsdetroit.com/article/20161220/NEWS/161229982/michigan-strategic-fund-approves-2-million-for-new-invest-detroit
[4] http://www.crainsdetroit.com/article/20160516/NEWS/160519880/more-than-300000-grant-goes-to-detroit-minority-business-center